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We have some valuable information and advice to share with you that will help you enjoy your adventure home! Receive essential insights and current statistics into buying a home in Campbell River, Vancouver Island.

This is beginning of our "Know Your Neighbourhood" series! As Campbell River is discovered by more new people near and far, we wanted to feature each of the sub areas if YOU thought about moving here or have just recently moved here.

First up is... Campbell River Central - the "heritage sub area". It's home to the oldest houses, as well as some of the new modern high rise condos and the most houses either ocean front or with an ocean view. Amenities galour with Shopper's Row, restaurants, recreation and Downtown. Get something from the concession or fish of the Discovery Pier, take a trip over to Quadra Island, charter a fishing boat for the day or get your steps in on the 6.4km Seawalk. Houses in this sub area range in price, square feet, property size and style.

Average Sale Price (November 2021)


Average Sale Price (November 2021)


Average Sale Price (November 2021)


No matter whether you're looking for a forever home, your first home, an investment property, or you're downsizing to a condo - this is the area for you. Subscribe to our Youtube channel or sign up for blog updates and stay tuned to see more of Campbell River. Check out what listings are on the market in any sub area or neighbouring cities by clicking Search below. if you're thinking of buying or selling, we are your team.